bus short circuit isolator
Bus short circuit isolator is simply called bus isolator.
It is necessary to install bus short circuit isolator in bus automatic fire alarm system. When a bus fails, the bus isolator automatically separates the faulty bus part from the whole system to ensure the normal operation of the rest of the system.
At the same time, the fire alarm controller indicates the part number of the isolated parts, which is convenient for maintenance.
When the fault is rectified, the bus isolator automatically reintegrates the isolated part into the system.
In A ring bus system, the total number of fire detectors, manual fire alarm buttons and modules protected by two bus short isolators should not exceed 32 points.
When a fault such as short circuit occurs at a certain position in the bus, the short circuit isolators on both sides of the bus will act to isolate this section of line without affecting the normal work of other bus devices in the circuit.
When the fault is rectified, the isolator automatically reintegrates the isolated part into the system.
In a tree bus system, the total number of fire detectors, manual fire alarm buttons and modules protected by each bus short circuit isolator should not exceed 32 points. That is, the total number of devices in each branch loop should not exceed 32 points. When a branch circuit occurs short circuit and other faults, the short circuit isolator will isolate the branch circuit, does not affect the normal work of other branch circuit equipment.
When the fault is rectified, the isolator automatically reintegrates the isolated part into the system.
When the bus passes through the fireproof zone, the bus short circuit isolator should be set at the crossing point.
The bus isolator mainly protects the signal bus and may not protect the power line.
Originally published at https://www.vedardsecurity.com.